dimanche 26 novembre 2017


These are basically some of the quotes on life that I’ve read and loved!
1. Je pense, donc je suis- I think, therfore I am. This is the French version of the Latin phrase Cogito ergo sum.
2. Le temps est un grand maître, dit-on. Le malheur est qui’il tue ses élévesWe say that time is a great teacher. Too bad it kills all its students.
3. L’enfer, c’est les autres- Hell is other people.
4. Qui vivra verra- He/she who lives, shall see. I think this the French version ofTime will tell.
5. Et d’abord, ne pas nuire- First, do no harm.
6. Quand on a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a- When one doesn’t have what he/she loves, he/she must love what they do have.
7. La vie ce n’est pas d’attendre que les orages passent, c’est d’apprendre a danser sous la pluie- Probably the most cliched line on the list, it means- Life isn’t about waiting for the storms to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
8. Le bonheur est parfois caché dans l’inconnu- Happiness is sometimes hidden in the unknown.
9. Vouloir, c’est pouvoir- Wishing is power. The French version of where there is a will, there is a way.
10. Savoir, penser, rêver. Tout est là- To know, to think, to dream. That is everything.

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