dimanche 12 novembre 2017

life update (ANGLAIS) part 2

Hello readers! Assalamu'alaikum...

It's been a while I haven't write my blog but... I'd like to write my life update after I didn't get the job I wanted in Surabaya, as in... last month's update.

I'm not working, like... until now, hehe... I just need more and more experience on teaching or in a creative industry. So before October 6th, I registered myself for the DALF C1 test, but for the preparation, sadly I was too late to register for the preparation with the teacher. So I ended up preparing by myself and I easily get distracted and doing other things, like... taking care of my kittens, who just turned 1 year old on October 7th, and I still teach French to Karina, my student in Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, and somehow we skipped like... 1 or 2 weeks because of sickness or family gathering. The good news is that I have another student from UPI, the university where I studied French. While doing that, I also learn how to edit photos in Photoshop (on the basic functions only), hand-lettering, etc. I also launched a French translation and proofreading business but my friends didn't want to pay, which is sad, actually, hahaha...

For the DALF C1 test, I only focused on synthèse des documents. It's like making a summary of several texts, like... 2-3 texts, and I make one new text without personal opinion there. Synthèse is one of the factors on failing DALF C1. I admit that it's hard to write without plan de rédaction, a.k.a the writing structure. What about listening and reading? For the listening, I'm capable of listening every word in French but I can't take note on each word, which is sad....... For the reading, I still can't find the right texts and sometimes I still can't understand new words. I think I should start seeing French websites that contains news or radio for reading and writing comprehension.

Voilà, that's what I wanna tell you right now. I still can't find the words to write something cool, haha :)))))))


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