Yes. Another. The other one is quite outdated and not very extensive. Amusez-vous bien. I’m from Paris so some of these are probably exclusive to the region.
- Tu (me) fais chier (literally: you make me shit) / tu m’emmerdes / tu me casses les couilles (you’re breaking my balls): you’re pissing me off
- Ça me saoûle / fait chier (vulgar) / gonfle: I’m sick of this
- J’en ai ras le cul: I’m sick of this (vulgar)
- J’en ai ras le bol: I’m sick of this
- J’en ai marre: I’m sick of this
- Fringues: clothes
- Grailler: to buy / borrow / steal / take
- Crever: to die
- Va crever: go die
- Je suis crevé: I’m very tired / sick
- Crevant: exhausting
- J’ai la dalle: I’m hungry
- Je crève la dalle: I’m haven’t eaten anything in two years
- On se caille: it’s freezing
- On crève de froid: we’re dying of cold
- Crevard: despicable person
- Glander: to procrastinate / to do nothing / to lay around
- Avoir la flemme: not wanting to do anything
- Rien branler (~to jerk off nothing): to do nothing
- Défoncé: stoned
- Gerber: to throw up
- C’est à gerber: it’s so ugly / horrible I’m going to throw up
- C’est de la merde: it’s shit
- Bouffer: to eat
- Bagnole/ caisse: car
- Baraque: house
- Bled: 1/ godforsaken place, 2/ where you’re born
- Clebs / clébard: dog
- Oseille / blé / fric: money
- Chais pas (je sais pas): I don’t know
- Va te faire foutre: go fuck yourself
- Se foutre de quelqu’un: to make fun of someone
- (Je) m’en fous: I don’t care
- J’en ai rien à battre: I don’t care
- Je m’en bas les couilles (I’m slapping my balls): I don’t care
- Je m’emmerde / je me fais chier: I’m bored
- C’est chiant: it’s boring
- Demmerde toi: Deal with this without me / manage to do something
- Je galère: I’m struggling
- Quelle galère (galley) / merde: What a pain
- Genre: 1/ like, 2/ as if, 3/ seriously ? or no way !
- Bahut: high school
- Fais pas genre: stop lying / pretending
- Fais genre: pretend
- Chelou: weird / shady / suspicious
- balais: years (ex: il a 50 balais = he’s 50)
- briques: € (ex: I bought this shit for 20 briques) though it can also means 10 € (ex: i bought this shit for 20 briques = 200 €)
- C’est pas possible: it’s not possible. To use anytime, anywhere. Can’t find keys ? C’est pas possible. Traffic ? C’est pas possible. School ? C’est pas possible.
- Qu’est ce que tu fous: what the fuck are you doing
- Mais il est pas possible ce gosse: that person is annoying / unsufferable / immature / stupid
- Mioche: baby or young child
- Gamin(e) / gosse: kid / brat
- Brailler: to scream annoyingly, usually said of a baby crying
- Gueuler: to scream
- Ferme la / ferme ta gueule / ta gueule: shut up
- Se casser la gueule: to fall
- Hein ?: 1/ what ? 2/ at the end of a sentence: right ?
- Euh: “- did you do your homework ? - eeeeeeuh” or “-where is boulevard Voltaire ? -eeeeeeuh this way”
- Ouf: 1/ phew, 2/ crazy (it’s the verlan for “fou”)(not very used anymore)
- Sauvé (saved): phew, we’re saved
- Pareil: same (ex: -I’m tired -pareil)
- Idem: ditto
- C’est quoi ce bordel (what’s this brothel) / qu’est ce que c’est que ce bordel: What the fuck is this
- C’est une blague ?: is this a joke ?
- Tu te fous de moi ?: are you kidding me ?
- Rôh là: noise of annoyance, can also just be a breathy guttural noise (hrrhhfhhrfhr)
- Taré: insane
- Perso (euh): personally
- Tiens: 1/ ‘here’ or ‘hold this’, 2/ reminds me (ex: tiens, remember when you were in a band ?)
- C’est cadeau: it’s free
- Dégueulasse / dégueu: disgusting
- Se faire baiser (to get fucked): to have a really bad time (ex: I rushed the presentation and I got roasted by the teacher who’s going to call my parents, je vais me faire baiser)
- C’est bon là: that’s enough
- Non mais oh: to express shock or disgust
- Tu te crois où ?: where do you think you are ?
- J’avoue: you’re right
- Connard / connasse: cunt, not very vulgar tho
- Chien: passive, disloyal and kiss people’s ass
- Chienne / pute: whore
- Pétasse: cunt
- Putain: a classic
- Bordel: another classic
- Con / conne: magic insult that can’t be translanted in English because it’s too powerful. The foolest of the fools, complete idiot damned by God.
(via franciaslangblr)
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