Assalamu'alaikum, everyone !
Today I'm going to write my life update in English, since... some months ago, I didn't even write how my life was going after I graduated in a bachelor's degree which (to me) is kinda fast than some lucky people who write their "real" research (a.k.a: skripsi, hehehe).
Where do I start? Hmmm... after I was officially graduated, I cried because of two things. I'm sad and proud of myself at the same time. I wasn't even smiling when my professor mentioned my GPA and my yudisium (je pense que c'est le mot latin, quoi... je ne sais pas comment dire cela en anglais, mdr), and I remember that my friend, a year older than me, said to me, "Smile! Your GPA is the highest of all!", and I did... for one second. Just after taking photos together with my professors, suddenly my friend (not a classmate, but my senior) called me and said, "Nara, dipanggil monsieur Dante." (en anglais: you are called by monsieur Dante), and I was like, "Sekarang, teh?" (en anglais: right now?). Turns out that I receive a "gift" from my faculty to pass the Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia) for free. This time I'd like to join again but I wanna ask my friends who pass that test directly in West Java's Language Centre (Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat). The exam looks like TOEFL, which means the certificate lasts for two years since it's published. I did get a certificate and I took it a day before my graduation celebration. My score... hmmm... it's even less (510) than my TOEFL (527/677) test! Hahaha...
After my graduation, I'm still giving a French private course to one of the high school students in Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, a school where I studied since I was in 5th grade. After 10 meetings, I told my student that I'm going to do a job interview as a French teacher in Surabaya, exactly September 15th (last month, haha). I was really excited, and nervous at the same time! It was announced at the end of September, and while waiting... I'm preparing DALF C1 test and doing a short holiday (and also a family gathering) in Yogyakarta.
Shortly after my holiday in Yogyakarta, I became reaaaaaallllly sick, as in... I cough, I got flu, I had a fever and my voice is almost gone... like... literally I can't practice vocals when I'm not going anywhere. Thankfully I have my maternal grandmother accompanying me at home, and also she stayed in Bandung to attend my father's professor speech on September 30th (as you guys can see my last post). Turns out that the sickness was the beginning of my monthly period. I still can't figure out why does my period passes just like this, as in... getting sick then getting period and becoming healthier again.
About my job announcement... I actually didn't get the job I've always wanted. It was sad, I almost cried, and I consider that the job interview is the hardest thing I've done in my life. But the positive thing I got from there is that, I can still give a French private lessons to my student and also helping the 2016 students in French Department of UPI to regain a good score (someone told me that their grammar score is kinda flunked, so they want me to teach some grammar and I also planned to give them some phonetic lessons and writing lessons). And, the new thing I got today is that... I have another private student from UPI! I still have a chance to have a linear job, and I also plan to open up French private course in a building (in Bahasa it's called ruko) owned by my aunt and the teachers are the people who are really passionated in education.
For those people who keep on asking me whether I'm still single... YES! I'm still single, but for now, I don't want to have a boyfriend. I just want him to come to my house and ask my parents' blessings and also to love me the way I am, and to let me work. And for those people who keep on asking me whether I want to continue to study abroad... I'm currently preparing for some important administrative documents to get a scholarship. And I'd like to be helped by Erasmus or LPDP. I really hope that I can get one of these scholarships because I want to take Applied Linguistics in a French as a Foreign Language Teaching/Didactics (Linguistique appliquée à la didactique de Français langue étrangère) for my Masters Degree.
Voilà, that's what I want to write today... It's still so little, though, but I am so relieved to write instead of keeping it to myself.
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